MultiWii Leistungsmessung und Verbrauchsanzeige


Hallo liebe MWC Freunde,

verwendete von euch jemand diesen Code aus der aktuellen MultiWii Software?

/* enable monitoring of the power consumption from battery (think of mAh) */
/* allows to set alarm value in GUI or via LCD */
/* Two options: */
/* 1 - soft: - (good results +-5% for plush and mystery ESCs @ 2S and 3S, not good with SuperSimple ESC */
/*      00. relies on your combo of battery type (Voltage, cpacity), ESC, ESC settings, motors, props and multiwii cycle time */
/*      01. set POWERMETER soft. Uses PLEVELSCALE = 50, PLEVELDIV = PLEVELDIVSOFT = 10000 */
/*      0. output is a value that linearily scales to power (mAh) */
/*      1. get voltage reading right first */
/*      2. start with freshly charged battery */
/*      3. go fly your typical flight (routine and duration) */
/*      4. at end connect to GUI or LCD and read the power value; write it down (example 4711)*/
/*      5. charge battery, write down amount of energy needed (example 722 mAh) */
/*      6. compute alarm value for desired power threshold (example 750 mAh : alarm = 4711 / 722 * 750) */
/*      7. set alarm value in GUI or LCD */
/*      8. enjoy your new battery alarm - possibly repeat steps 2 .. 7 */
/*      9. if you want the numbers to represent your mAh value, you must change PLEVELDIV */
/* 2 - hard: - (uses hardware sensor, after configuration gives reasonable results */
/*      00. uses analog pin 2 to read voltage output from sensor. */
/*      01. set POWERMETER hard. Uses PLEVELSCALE = 50 */
/*      02. install low path filter for 25 Hz to sensor input */
/*      1. compute PLEVELDIV for your sensor (see below for insturctions) */
/*      2. set PLEVELDIVSOFT to 10000 ( to use LOG_VALUES for individual motor comparison) */
/*      3. attach, set PSENSORNULL and  PINT2mA */
/*      4. configure, compile, upload, set alarm value in GUI or LCD */
/*      3. enjoy true readings of mAh consumed */
/* set POWERMETER to "soft" (1) or "hard" (2) depending on sensor you want to utilize */
//#define POWERMETER 1
//#define POWERMETER 2
/* the sum of all powermeters ranges from [0:60000 e4] theoretically. */
/* the alarm level from eeprom is out of [0:255], so we multipy alarm level with PLEVELSCALE and with 1e4 before comparing */
/* PLEVELSCALE is the step size you can use to set alarm */
#define PLEVELSCALE 50 // if you change this value for other granularity, you must search for comments in code to change accordingly 
/* larger PLEVELDIV will get you smaller value for power (mAh equivalent) */
#define PLEVELDIV 10000 // default for soft - if you lower PLEVELDIV, beware of overrun in uint32 pMeter
#define PLEVELDIVSOFT PLEVELDIV // for soft always equal to PLEVELDIV; for hard set to 10000
//#define PLEVELDIV 1361L // to convert the sum into mAh divide by this value
/* amploc 25A sensor has 37mV/A */
/* arduino analog resolution is 4.9mV per unit; units from [0..1023] */
/* sampling rate 20ms, approx 19977 micro seconds */
/* PLEVELDIV = 37 / 4.9  * 10e6 / 19977  * 3600 / 1000  = 1361L */
/* set to analogRead() value for zero current */
#define PSENSORNULL 510 // for I=0A my sensor gives 1/2 Vss; that is approx 2.49Volt
#define PINT2mA 13 // for telemtry display: one integer step on arduino analog translates to mA (example 4.9 / 37 * 100

Würde mich freuen, wenn man hier Erfahrungen dazu lesen könnte.
Welcher Sensor, welche Einstellungen, gute und schlechte Erfahrung.
Trotz längeren bemühen von Google habe ich absolut nichts zum Stromsensor im MWC gefunden.


Hallo KH,

danke für den Link. Habe mir alle Beiträge durchgelesen.
So wie ich es verstanden habe, geht es beim dem Thread rein um eine Software "Messung".
Gibt es sonst noch Erfahrungen mit einer richtigen Strommessung?


Ansicht hell / dunkel umschalten
Oben Unten