Help! Lagemann Extra 178cm, English text.


Hello guys,

I am in search for a new Extra 300 for my engine, OS 120 Surpass III (20cc methanol/glow 4-stroke). The most intresting models I found so far is the Lagemann Extra 300 178cm and Zoder 180cm. However I am conserned with the weight of both these models. On Lagemann web-page it states that the planes weight is 3,8 kg but I have heard some users are claiming above 4kg. While the Zoder, wich is about the same size and using the same constrution materials using a gasoline engine claims 5,5 kg. In addition all the text is in German wich I don't understand...

Anyone with own experience with these kits please help me out with figures and comments. Any information is usefull as I want to learn more about these planes before putting in an order.


Christian, Stockholm Schweden.


Hi Christian,
unfortunfately i do not know any of both models.
But if you need help in translating feel free to pn me. I ´ll help you out if desired.

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