Krick Reiher DFS schwerpunkt


Can anyone tell me the Krick Reiher's CG? I would also be thankfull for a couple of photos of the assembled model.

I bought a second hand one and I am trying to improve it.
One of the weird things is that the ailerons seem to be cut in half with one half not moving, attached to the wing.

Schwerpunkt, bitte?
Try this:

Form "Produktsuche" -->> plan reiher -->>

Bauplan Reiher

Bestell-Nr.: 10302

empf. VK inkl. gesetzl. MWSt. 27,70 EUR

Mit dem Bauplan kann das Modell des DFS Reiher gebaut werden. Für die Konstruktion lagen die Originalpläne vor. Das Modell erreicht hervorragende Flugleistungen am Hang und in der Thermik. Der Aufbau ganz in Holz erfordert fundierte Kenntnisse im Holzbau von Flugmodellen, belohnt den Erbauer jedoch mit einem Modell von aussergewöhnlicher Optik. Als Ergänzung zum Bauplan ist eine tiefgezogene Kabinenhaube mit der Bestell-Nr. 10151 lieferbar.

Technische Daten:

Spannweite 3167 mm

Länge 1293 mm

Fluggewicht 2400 g

Planbögen 2

Dealer in Portugal:

Firma M.A.V. s.l.
Strasse Rua Andrade Corvo. 27-27A
Ort 2610-020 Amadora
Fon 00351-21-4717348
Fax 00351-21-4712678 o.840581
E Mail

I think, here you can get your plan!

Best regards
jcosta schrieb:
I bought a second hand one and I am trying to improve it.
One of the weird things is that the ailerons seem to be cut in half with one half not moving, attached to the wing.
The Reiher has very long ailerons. I can imagine that the original owner had problems with fluttering ailerons and therefore decided to reduce their length.


I don't need the plan, I bought a second hand Krick DFS Reiher, just need to know where the CG should be.

Also I don't buy anything from that portuguese company, they charge more than twice the price in Germany and take 6 months to supply anything.

Thanks for the answers, anyway!
Hello jcosta,

i have a (yet unbuild) kit of the Krick Reiher and had a look at the drawing. The c.g. is about 67 mm from the leading edge of the wing.


Ansicht hell / dunkel umschalten
Oben Unten