Denny Maize hat mich gebeten die folgende Information in deutsche Fora zu leiten. Ein kurzes Excerpt:
Die Polecat Challenge findet statt am 17. und 18. Juni in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA, mit der Intention, die Veranstaltung das Poway der Ostkueste zu machen. Um auch internationalen Piloten einen Anreiz zu geben, werden Phil Barnes und Denny Maize je ein XP-4 Kit an jeden Wettbewerbsteilnehmer geben der nicht aus den USA, Mexico, Kanada / Nordamerika kommt - kostenfrei!
Good afternoon Gentlemen
I have a proposition for you. I'm pretty sure you have all heard of the "Polecat Challenge" (info at I am trying to promote interest in dlg on the east coast of the US and have a contest in the east that is comparable to what Poway does for the west coast. We have top level competition with Poway winners, many of the top ten from poway, Dr. Drela and many other fine flyers. In the interest of promoting international competition and a with a prompt from Phil Barnes, I would like to make you the following offer. First off we can offer you top level competition, lunches provided at the field, clinics with the likes of Phil, Oleg, and Dr. Drela, a very nice BBQ on saturday night and a chance to compete with Americas best. However, we realize that it is a big decision and expense to attend a contest internationally. In order to ease some of that pain, Phil and I would like to offer you the opportunity to take home a brand new XP-4 kit! No, this is not a raffle! and does not apply to anyone from US, Mexico or Canada (North America) Each and everyone of you who attends and competes will go home with an XP-4 kit for FREE!
Plain and simple, make the effort, make the trip and compete with us and go home with a free XP-4 kit! No matter if one of you comes or 10 the offer stands.
Phil has been very generous in offering up the wings and Polecat will provide the rest of the kits.
This offer is open not only to Europe but the rest of the world so feel free to pass it on. There is one disclaimer. You must be a legitimate competitor, in other words you don't get one for the wife and each of the kids:-)))
If neccessary we can provide help with 72mh equipment to use while here or whatever, just ask.
There you go boys and girls, that is our best effort at promoting international competition:-)) Go ahead, take us up on it
Die Polecat Challenge findet statt am 17. und 18. Juni in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA, mit der Intention, die Veranstaltung das Poway der Ostkueste zu machen. Um auch internationalen Piloten einen Anreiz zu geben, werden Phil Barnes und Denny Maize je ein XP-4 Kit an jeden Wettbewerbsteilnehmer geben der nicht aus den USA, Mexico, Kanada / Nordamerika kommt - kostenfrei!
Good afternoon Gentlemen
I have a proposition for you. I'm pretty sure you have all heard of the "Polecat Challenge" (info at I am trying to promote interest in dlg on the east coast of the US and have a contest in the east that is comparable to what Poway does for the west coast. We have top level competition with Poway winners, many of the top ten from poway, Dr. Drela and many other fine flyers. In the interest of promoting international competition and a with a prompt from Phil Barnes, I would like to make you the following offer. First off we can offer you top level competition, lunches provided at the field, clinics with the likes of Phil, Oleg, and Dr. Drela, a very nice BBQ on saturday night and a chance to compete with Americas best. However, we realize that it is a big decision and expense to attend a contest internationally. In order to ease some of that pain, Phil and I would like to offer you the opportunity to take home a brand new XP-4 kit! No, this is not a raffle! and does not apply to anyone from US, Mexico or Canada (North America) Each and everyone of you who attends and competes will go home with an XP-4 kit for FREE!
Plain and simple, make the effort, make the trip and compete with us and go home with a free XP-4 kit! No matter if one of you comes or 10 the offer stands.
Phil has been very generous in offering up the wings and Polecat will provide the rest of the kits.
This offer is open not only to Europe but the rest of the world so feel free to pass it on. There is one disclaimer. You must be a legitimate competitor, in other words you don't get one for the wife and each of the kids:-)))
If neccessary we can provide help with 72mh equipment to use while here or whatever, just ask.
There you go boys and girls, that is our best effort at promoting international competition:-)) Go ahead, take us up on it