15 Jahre Flying Circus in Fiss!

Wetter war Do/Fr super. Fr/So zeitweise Nebel.
weitere Fotos und ein HD Video

Termin 2011 steht fest!

Termin 2011 steht fest!

Das 16. Internationale Modellflugfestival Flying Circus findet vom 14. - 17. Juli 2011 statt!

P.S.: Wenn es euch gefallen hat, machen wir gerne wieder an einem Abend eine Fliegerparty mit Lifemusik und einigen anderen Attraktionen, die wir noch nicht verraten!
Videos von Flying Circus

Videos von Flying Circus

Tobias, da hast du recht. Allerding hat unser Videomann immerhin einen knapp 15 Minuten Videoclips produziert, von dem eine Hälfte auf YouTube steht, die andere Hälfte nach 7-maligem Upload bis jetzt von YouTube abgelehnt wurde wegen Überlänge (der 2. Filmteil hat 7 Minuten, YouTube behauptet 3 Stunden 28 Minuten ??).
Warum genau, ist mir unklar!

Mal sehen, ob nicht noch andere Teilnehmer ein paar Szenen aufgenommen haben.


Coming from Norway, please forgive me using english!

Had a great time in Fiss this summer! With no prior experience with thermal flight (we are spoiled with great slopes), it was very a exciting and interesting happening.

The arrangement was very well organized, and the only issue we had was the language barrier. I think it would be a great thing if we could have handouts etc that would say something about the way the conditions changes throughout the day. This is probably second nature to those who are used to fly this way, but unfortunately, we discovered the hard way, how the changing conditions had a crucial effect.

My friend lost his Discus in his first flight (see attached video) :eek: In hindsight, he should never tossed out his model under those conditions, but we did not fully understand what was going on. Maybe pilots with motorless models should get a warning from the staff, when the conditions are unsafe.

Anyway, what a great place, and arrangement!



Congratulations to your great video.
High quality movie, I never saw a better one for years.

And in my opinion you show a good overview of the highlights and lowlights of the extreme flying in the high mountains. You named it perfect with "Up and down".

9 years ago I was to the Flying Circus one time, it was an impressive event.

I enjoyed to see your video very much, thanks.
Ansicht hell / dunkel umschalten
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