22XX series drone motors adopted for the 250G speeder class.

Ich kenne niemanden, der mit Teillast Speed fliegt.Und ich kenne auch niemanden, der mit Standschub Speed fliegt.Ausserdem denke ich schon soviel von der Sache verstanden zu haben,dass weder der Motor noch der Regler Schub bringt.Was also sollen Deine Diagramme ausssagen?

PS.:Wenn Du fremde Inhalte benutzt,dann gib bitte die Quelle an, wo du das kopiert hast.(Urheberrecht!)Oder hast Du die ganzen Diagramme und Foto die Du dauernd postest alle selber erstellt?Für diesen Fall würde ich mich für meinen gutgemeinten Hinweis schon mal entschuldigen.



User gesperrt
What I translated from you misses the entire point. I said nothing about speed flyers flying at partial load. At full throttle results still support my position to TEST. Its not the end of the world relax.

Thanks for your net concerns Ill see what I can do but the citations wont change the result. And there is till not reason not to test based on what I posted. It still holds through copyright.

Good Day.
erstmal möchte ich mich Stefan anschließen: ich wüsste auch gerne woher die Diagramme sind. Die Fotos der Motoren sind ja offensichtlich PR-Bilder der Hersteller...
Dann ist es sehr schwer, Zusammenhänge nachzuvollziehen wenn Hubert hier Diagramme postet und im RC-Groups mit Herrn Lucas drüber debattiert.
Hubert, wenn Du Coaxialmaschinen verstehen willst, sind F3A Antriebe der falsche Ausgangspunkt. Dort geht es gar nicht in erster Linie um Vortriebseffizienz! Such Dir die NASA-Dokumente zu den Antrieben der Convair Pogo, R3Y etc aus den 50er Jahren raus, und lies was Don Stackhouse Anfang der 2000er dazu geschrieben hat. Besseres Material zum Thema gibt es nicht! Es interessant einfach niemanden in der Luftfahrtindustrie mehr... die Grundlagen sind allgemein gültig, aber es experimentell mit diesen Winzmotoren nachweisen zu wollen halte ich für unpassend. Zu klein... und zeig bitte mal ein eigenes Video, wo der Emaxmotor die 1000W länger als ein paar Sekunden liefern muss. Das ist reine Werbung und total unseriös!
Gruß Rene


User gesperrt
The same things here are the same things at rc groups. If you're confused only read one. Posting in both places is no more confusing than you reading in both places and talking about it here like its relevant to a TECHNICAL discussion can you leave it out? Rene I don't want to spend my time explaining such things. Lets leave those posting elements out because it isn't relevant to the technical discussion here. I will give u the source which was a neutral review not a damn pr stunt. You make charges and have not a clue. If this is going to be necessary everytime we post something then this wont go far. The first rule is It can be just opinion based on personal or someone else's experience. That was laid out before we started so if you choose to participate you can't require what is not required by initial prerequisite for anyone to speak here including yourself. The idea is to remove all the add hominem and those unnecessary elements just because someone else believes they have found the ultimate solution and there is not more. The in the box suspicious thinking where we for some reason need to post invalid lies by the manufacturer is simply ridiculous. Im sorry but all those videos are not PR stunts by emax so I will not accept that as a reply. Why do I need all these validations anyway when all you need is to come here and say what you think. Your own metric would have you post your own videos to prove it is not truthful. Either will work as proof but since you take the time to come here and disprove it that hasn't even been done yet the burden of proof that it does not work truly lies upon you since you already know. There are several videos showing what it does and I have no problem accepting them.I've no quest to win It just a discussion for me. There has not been one REAL video posted that shows something different. If you have one to follow your own metric that is not the standard of the thread you post it. If you have read I've already purchased the motors and the props as it reads. What exactly do you think I plan to do with them other than just that? But what then will prevent you from saying I too somehow fudged the number ? You should tell your guy the "22XX!!" motors are too small on rc groups if you were there and are reading what started it all. Why say it here and not there?

Here is the non vendor source but something will still be wrong with it the way you are going on about things. I'm perplexed because you should not need this anyway to understand that for results to be valid they have to be duplicated and you cannot duplicate with different equipment. That's very simple and needs no citations to understand but here you both go.


Is there anything else ? Because this is totally unnecessary to get it. From here on out before you ask for any videos or validation sources provide some of you own if that's how it's going to be. I clearly laid it out that it is not but we can make the special exception for those that desperately need it and cannot trust those they wish to trust them. How ever it goes it will be fair down the board or not at all. I wont play silly one sided validation games to talk.
bitte lies meinen obigen Post korrekt. Die FOTOS sind (vermutlich) PR. Die Messungen? Lass Dir von einem der Moderatoren erklären wie es in Deutschland und diesem Forum mit dem Urheberrecht bestellt ist.
Zu den Videos; kann ja sein dass die “echt“ sind, aber die Messungen sind trotzdem Blödsinn. Wo soll denn bitte der 0,5er Draht mit den 30+A hin, wo soll der Winzmotor mit der Abwärme hin? Die wissen schon warum sie den Antrieb blos 2s fullout rennen lassen. Das meine ich mit unseriös.


User gesperrt
There is no exception this is my thread and there is no circumventions of the forum rules as you suggest because I laid out obviously needed pre conditions to prevent foolishness exibited now that's that. Please don't come here and insist on doing "it" anyway. If you have genuine interest be here. If your point now is to not abide by what was asked from us all to have the conversation then don't. What is asked is what is required or it gets out of hand. It will be reasonable here or not at all. I left this way in the thread I no longer post in. I guess you can slam all the ideas not yours there if want without rebuttal.
Hier geht es doch um die 250g Speedfugzeuge?Bei meiner Nanoblade geht es grade so auf mit den 250g.Wie soll denn das da gehen, wenn man 2 oder 3 Motoren zu je mindestens25g zusammenkoppelt?An welcher Stelle soll die Verdoppelung des Gewichtes oder,der Emfehlung von Christians folgend Verdreifachung des Motorgewichtes denn wieder eingespart werden?An der Batterie?Am Flieger selber?Auch die mechanische Verbindung der Motoren wiegt einiges und der Doppelpropeller wiegen auch.Auch den Akku,der 1000W(und das ist nur für einen Motor!)für die übliche Vollgas Flugzeit von 30sekunden(bei mir)leisten soll,habe ich noch nirgends gefunden.Oder er ist eben viel zu groß und zu schwer.Bin schon sehr gespannt, wie das realisiert werden soll!


User gesperrt
The available axial flow cooling provided with the MD "velocity" 2505 motor. Unfortunately the bullnose props did not show but the other did. This high speeder uses 8 poles! Room for higher filling in single layers all possible here and the good thing is it changes nothing about the already present harmonic content.


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da hast Du ja einen sehr hübschen Motor ausgesucht! :)
gibt es inzwischen Testergebnisse oder wenigstens Gewichtsangaben?
An wieviel Zellen (S), mit welcher Batterie und mit welchem Regler betreibst Du diesen Antrieb?
Und mit welcher Propellerdrehzahl?



User gesperrt
Don't you like the result of brother hobby and t-motors ? :confused: Kindly.... and in turn there should be no worries for you or anyone here if they have settled there as their ceilings choice repeated numerous times. We heard it and its enough. We still plan to enjoy our hobbies. If the knowledge about the motor is pressing simply for a negative arguments sake I'm sure you are very capable of gathering its result yourself but I wont rush for that. I've stated and this is the last time I state it. There is no time or interest in drama or heated battles. We do not care that much, so in our old age we still have full beautiful locks. You have your limited threads to follow one train of thought and I'm absolutely indifferent if your wish is to go bald there.



User gesperrt
Könnte sein....:confused:
Es gibt sicherlich einen Gott, und daher ist alles möglich, selbst wenn der Hass auf irgendetwas oder alle, die außerhalb der Kisten einer bestimmten Gruppierung leben, möglich ist. Wenn jedoch das gesegnete Leben 2019 schön bleibt, werden wir sicherlich weiterhin frei und außerhalb der Kiste leben, also erwarte ich pure Glückseligkeit.


User gesperrt
Es wurde bereits gesagt, dass ein Advanced Power Drives das Laufwerk ist, das wir testen möchten, bevor ich den limitierten Thread verlassen habe. Dann folgen mir die Läufer mit den gleichen Fragen. Verdammt! Wie kann es echt sein, wenn das bereits Gesagte nicht beachtet wurde? Ich habe keine Zeit


User gesperrt
No leather glove dynos but inertial with the flywheel or steady state brake to 1.25 hp. or maybe more. What is it? The motor come from a thrown away treadmill with a fanned flywheel and very useful control electronics to hack for diy electronic & mechanical gurus. After we determine the weight of the flywheel and rotor separately we can start looking at the math an how to get it in the registry for beautiful graphs and such. This also eliminates the need of special props from anyone as we can simulate various load simply with braking resistors or incandescent 12 volt auto bulbs in series and a hard switched transistor using PWM.

So we prepare it for a beautiful presentation of another one of my unfinished projects :rolleyes: We're going to stamp a date this one chris. The LOOKERS! will have it on google for years to come. Prepping for beauty means cleaning and refinishing the base and case. Turning down the .5 inch shaft to 8mm. This will be simply hard coupled to the DUT motor which will have a torque arm mounted to the stator carrier plumbed out 1ft. to a 25 pound digital transducer that can be scaled. It was painted with Industrial PPG appliance paint and cured in an industrial paint curing oven. The hard shaft could not be ground as there was not enough clearance for the live center so we turned it down to .3145. .0004 under. Which is not bad for a beat to death lathe with terrible TIR and dull tools and an operator out of touch with the lathe for 3 years. Well I'm back now and the resident expert can see what turning a hard shaft looks like with shitty cutters since he reports in the US it cannot be done!

We will see you in 2019!







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User gesperrt
I still want to see how the props are molded. I need to learn that skill from anyone willing to teach. I will be there asking questions. If that's ok? I can run and program all CNC I think I kinda figure out MH profiles made into cam models then toolpaths generated. The coordinates from MH AERO tools?
Ansicht hell / dunkel umschalten
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