Mad modeler

A friend told me to ask on this forum if it is true that a german modeler built a model big enough to hold a baby......nothing new, but he's said to have put the baby on and to have flown the model !:eek::mad:
That's really crazy! Such a maniac!:mad:
How did his wife react when she heard it...
I know there are some suitable planes from german modelers to take a baby in the sky. But did that really happen? I don't know... Never heard about it...

oh this is very common in germany.
you know where the term "maiden flight" come from?
it`s called maiden flight, because children are maiden.

to get rid of the press we tell this "maiden flight" is about the plane - hahaha.

greets, Nik

p.s.: wth? i can`t imagine that anyone would ever do it.
Das ist nicht lustig sondern geschmacklos.

Bitte schnell entfernen, Norbert

immer mit der Ruhe,es wird nichts so heiß gegessen wie es gekocht wird.
- Da ist doch sicherlich irgendwo Etwas falsch verstanden oder verwechselt worden.
Da einige von euch sehr Sprachbegabt sind wäre es sicherlich erstmal sinnvoll,
den Eingangstext richtig zu übersetzen. ;) DANKE !

Flache Bälle spielen

Flache Bälle spielen

Sehe ich auch so - immer diese Panikmacherei!!!!

Das Forum sollte lediglich gefragt werden, ob diese Geschichte wahr ist oder nicht!!

Ist sie nicht - also kann dieser Thread auch geschlossen werden.
Also Hier die Übersetzung:

Ein Freund bat mich in diesem Forum nachzufragen ob es wahr ist das ein deutscher Modellbauer ein Modell gebaut hat das gross genug ist ein baby zu tragen.... das ist zwar nichts neues, doch er sagte der Modellbauer habe ein baby in das Modell gesteckt und sei damit geflogen

Ich sag nur man soll nicht alles glauben was der bekannte eines freundes mal im Bus gehört hat. Beispiel das Kind das angeblich mit einem Wetterballon entflogen ist:

A friend told me to ask on this forum if it is true that a german modeler built a model big enough to hold a baby......nothing new, but he's said to have put the baby on and to have flown the model !:eek::mad:

I don't know if its true, but you shouldn't believe any rumor...

Gruss Mathias
A friend told me to ask on this forum if it is true that a german modeler built a model big enough to hold a baby......nothing new, but he's said to have put the baby on and to have flown the model !:eek::mad:

Hi Beppe,

sometimes the German magazines are publishing pictures where is shown how a baby or little child fits in a model airplane. But this doesn't mean that the models have flown with the baby or child in it.

Perhaps the reason for the misunderstanding?

Hi Beppe,

sometimes the German magazines are publishing pictures where is shown how a baby or little child fits in a model airplane. But this doesn't mean that the models have flown with the baby or child in it.

Perhaps the reason for the misunderstanding?


Hi Phillip
I can't believe that story too, but I promised to the friend who told me that I will have posted in this forum in order to have more informations.
He told me that fellows modeler in his modeling Group bought a REALLY big model, 4x4 meter acro, in Germany and the story was narrated by the seller.
He too can't believe, but who can believe that there would have been so much kamikazes in this world ?
I have a friend, Rolando Colombo, who build 1:2 scale sailplanes, he once photographed his son sitting in the cockpit of a Salto and the picture was published on the cover of an Italian magazine......well the editor had to write that the boy never flew in the model.
I have no intention to offend anyone.


well, it`s getting easier. 4x4 acro planes... lemme think....
there are not so many manufacturer who could have fooled your friend ;)

ok, i think it`s just like you got fooled by your friend - and he got fooled by some dilly funny manufacturer. :cool:

greets, Nik
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