Radio Controlled Foiling America's Cup Catamaran

Current boat

Current boat

Hull length (cm): 145 / 57"
Length with rudders (cm): 155 /61"
Beam:115 cm / 45.27"
Mast height (cm): 200 / 78.74"
Total sail area (cm2): 10,750 /11.56 sq.ft./ 1664
Jib area (cm2); 4600 / 4.9 sq.ft / 712
Main area (cm2): 6150 / 6.66 sq.ft. /959
Rudder T-foil area (cm2): 100 x 2 = 200 / .215 sq.ft /30.96
Weight (g): 3520 / 7.76lb.

Outward facing UpTip foils:

Still needs quite a bit of work.
Yes Peter, a long way from being competitive around a course. At the moment I'm trying to find a foil configuration for a cat that is fixed (i.e.. doesn't need the windward foil to be retracted), and is stable and easy to sail. I also would prefer not to have wands .You and others have demonstrated such solutions for Tris, but I haven't yet seen one for cats.

Ich finde gut das hier wieder Videos von Modellen die Foilen eingestellt werden, ich persönlich werde aber noch einige Zeit warten bis ich mich mal mit Thema auseinandersetze.
Ich finde es ist schon genug Arbeit einen Mini40 zu haben der stabil und schnell auf einem Schwimmer läuft.
Hinzu kommt das ich den Eindruck habe die Modell-Foiler laufen nur gut vorm Wind bzw. bei Raumschots, mein Tri läuft gefühlt sowohl bei Raumschots als auch auf der Kreuz super.

MfG Nico
Outboard foils

Outboard foils

Very stable configuration for a very narrow cat in the vid below. Sailed for 2 hours in the conditions shown and only capsized once.

Hi Jim - here is my version of outboard foils - very stable (and not class legal) but too slow right now. Need to make the fin deeper as well.

M40 conventional 2.jpgM40 wide 2.jpgM40 wide foils.jpg
Would the hull arrangement shown in the attached image be legal in the Mini40 class? If it is, how small could the outer hulls be?

Could you explain what you mean with this drawing? Are you thinking about a multi hull with four hulls?
Hi Jim
The class rules of the Mini40 class are simple - the maximum beam is 1.22m, for any part of the boat, be it a hull of a foil. So adding 2 hulls makes no difference, and does not help in any way
Hi Jim
The class rules of the Mini40 class are simple - the maximum beam is 1.22m, for any part of the boat, be it a hull of a foil. So adding 2 hulls makes no difference, and does not help in any way

Thanks Ian.

I was mistaken in thinking that there was some rule to do with appendages extending beyond the outer edge of the hulls. I actually wonder if there should be a rule along these lines. I wouldn't want to race against my current boat. Much of the time the foils are immersed and not visible.

Da ist aber noch viel Feinarbeit nötig!

Peter Gernert GER 86

I agree Peter. I'm working a bit in the dark as there isn't a lot to compare with. I think that I need to find the balance between stability, handling, speed and lift. At the moment I'm not using real foils, just shaped aluminium. Once I have the size and position worked out I will build proper foils.
Ansicht hell / dunkel umschalten
Oben Unten